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joi, 13 martie 2014

So damn true !

"There is no point in starting your own business unless you do it out of a sense of frustration" 
       - my respect, Sir Richard, I only hope I'll had enough soon, with this shit I'm doing now ...

luni, 10 martie 2014

Anyone can become confident, and confident people can lose confidence over time if
they don't do things that push them outside of their comfort zones. To become confident, all you need is the right advice and a willingness to put that advice into action. I want to share with you one quick tip that will help you become more confident. Not only will this tip help you become more confident, but it will also directly help your business as well.

Is there someone who is very successful you really want to email, but you've been reluctant to contact? Are you not contacting that person because you think you aren't successful enough or don't have enough experience to reach out? Does the thought of emailing that person cause some fear, even if it might really help your business?
" I came to realize that rejection is a huge part of business and a huge part of life.